This site is a record of experiences from my “tsuredzure” travels. It is a personal website.
This is the famous opening line of “Tsurezure-gusa*.” For the long-waited three-month break, the first thing I planned to do was “enjoy doing nothing.” It turned out far from “boring” (as the word “tsuredzure suggests”), since I ended up travelling all over Japan; however I still cherished from moments to moments where I could gaze at the scenery and zone out.
During my travels, I noted small thoughts and feelings in Logseq with tags. Then, I compiled them into articles while looking back at the photos when I returned home.
My writing is far from the excellence of “to be deemed” ― “あやしうこそものぐるほしけれ”― but I would be happy if you enjoy a few of them.
* Note on the quoted text: “つれづれなるままに、日暮らし硯に向かひて、心にうつりゆくよしなしごとを、そこはかとなく書きつくれば、あやしうこそものぐるほしけれ” is a famous excerpt from a classic work of Japanese literature called “Tsurezure-gusa” (徒然草), written by Yoshida Kenkō in the early 14th century. This work is a collection of essays, reflections, and thoughts, and is considered a gem of medieval Japanese literature. The phrase roughly translates to the idea of writing down the random thoughts that come to one’s mind in idle moments. The word “tsurezure” means “boring, nothing to do”.
** This website is mostly written in Japanese, and optimized for reading Japanese texts. This priority is simply due to my speed of writing. I try writing only main articles in both Japanese and English; however, I hope you can read the other articles with the support of rapidly developing AIs!